Roll’n Oilfield Industries is committed to the safety of its employees, all people with whom business is conducted, and the traveling public we share the road with. To achieve this standard, both management and the employees strive to meet or exceed all legislative and operational requirements.
Roll’n has a responsibility to protect all workers engaged in its operations from personal injury and health hazards. Safety is a part of the culture at Roll’n.
Activities will be conducted on a basis that safety of all personnel is our #1 priority. Every attempt will be made to reduce the possibility of an accident occurring.
Accidental loss can be controlled by education, communication, and good management. All managers, supervisors and employees are responsible for accident prevention.
Every year, Roll’n hosts a spring seminar to provide all employees with training to enhance their lives both on and off the job. Technical, safety and personal development topics cover off a wide variety of issues designed to benefit every person who works at Roll’n.
Roll’n actively participates in the Canadian Association of Oilwell Energy Contractors (CAOEC). We currently have employees on the CAOEC Board of Directors, Service Rig Executive Committee, Safety and Technical Committee and various sub-committees.
We are proud to say that our contributions are continually assisting to make the industry safer.

The Roll’n Oilfield Environmental Policy is intended to provide a platform to evaluate and cooperatively manage the environmental performance of the company’s operations jointly with the client to the benefit of all parties involved. The policy addresses the responsibilities of the company in maximizing environmental protection through reducing, reusing, recycling and recovery. The Environmental Policy, together with Roll’n Oilfield’s Accident Prevention and Safe Work Practices form a total loss control program fully supported by senior management.